By 10 PM, after hours in the car, a couple of quick stops off the highway at some Zanesville Ohio pottery shops, a quick run by a jobsite and a supplier, followed by hours of exploring her new house, She found that Crosby our 10 Year old GSP was a perfect nap buddy. Months ago, I dyed up some coarse wool with some almosted exhausted red dye, and it made a neat rose color next to the matural off white wool color. In my washing machine now is the test felting of about 18" of a 3 stitch I cord that's has wide stripes of rose and natural color of about 4.5 inches each. The goal is to make a long, lightweight drag around lead for her to start off leash training right off the bat. I'll throw up some pics later in the week of knitting, Promise!
Magdalene was great name. Yelling "Magda" in the park is better than yelling "Tilly."
Loved the heading of this post, and OMG is Tilly the cutest. Both pictures made me say "awwww." Good to see them getting along and becoming buds. Congrats on the new addition. xxoo
Awwww....! Matilda is a perfect name for her!
Cute puppy!! I hear that Boston Bull Terriers are some of the easiest to train dogs. We used to have a cat named Tillie--short for Tillicum, a city in Washington state. Her brother was named Sam...or rather, Sammamish...another city. We were just driving down the freeway with the cats saying, "Hey, that's a cool name..." What can I say? We're dorks. :)
PUPPEH!!! Aw, the cuteness, it burns! So adorable.
Cute cute cute! I love the pic with the dogs together. Did Crosby even know she was there?
That may be the cutest thing I've ever seen.
we need more baby pictures. immediately!
Hey, I've been a little out of the loop. Congrats on the new arrival. And, to think you were pregnant, I thought it was just the beer gut!
i love her!!
cute pup! where are the new pics?
apparently the "baby" has taken over your world ::laughing::
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