.....It's way overdue but I'm back with Lots of good stuff so grab a drink and we'll get started!! Everybody loves crap so we'll get started there. I have officially had 3 full scale basement floods in 60 days to deal with and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the previous owners not disclosing that information. just look at the water coming up out of the fireplace. If they thought they would just get away with it, they were wrong, and I've set my "team" in motion to go get in their ass and see what they find. Maybe corn, maybe coin, we'll see. In the meantime, I've got buckets, shovels, Miller high life, a jackhammer, and I gotta say that with such tough menial tasks ahead, all you need is a mediocre attitude cause a good buzz will make up for the rest. nuff said on that one.
So, who knows what NSAIDS are? anybody, anybody? It pretty much encompasses every pain reliever in your madicine cabinet excluding tylenol, maybe....opinions vary and I need to get tested for that. As of yesterday, I found out the hard way that I am allergic to them. Scary stuff but after an IV full of benydryl, some steroid, and a shitload of synthetic adrenaline, I had an awesome buzz and didn't give a shit about the fact that I was purple from the chest up and my blood pressure was soaring, and I couldn't breath, and was basicly going into shock. good times.
Oficially, there are a pair of epi pens in the glove box of the new crackmobile for the next time.
Anyone want to see some knitting? thought so...
I finished a pair of socks out of my own homegro.., I mean hand dyed yarn and absolutely love them.

I was really worried they were a bit too tight, but after a good washing they relaxed quite nicely.
Weeks ago I ordered some yarn from Ohio Valley Natural fibers and have had a great time dyeing it up for a sweater! A top down raglan was in order after sweater fitting disaster struck with the rowan bottom up one. I am just going to dye up random lengths in random colors and knit them in as I run out of the last. The columbia wool bulky I am using is one denst yarn and will make a nice tough swetaer I hope.
It is supposed to be a sloppy fitting roll top and I am glad I cast on too many stitches at the collar so I can knit it to the right fit later. In hindsight I should have used a temporary cast on and went back after it later, but thats how I learn everything, the hard way. so far I've got a mottled army green, and a slate blue/greyish color and the next color will be either burgandy or brown. we'll see. Tonight, I will sit and relax. Tomorrow, I've got 2 yards of mulch to spread and then a basement to attend to so no slacking off this weekend. Get outside for a bit, walk your dog, and get ready for MDSW! if you are going, remember to watch out for all those deal crazed white women. They'll knock you off over the last skein, It happened to micah last year!