.....I had the wonka golden ticket at how excited I was when I saw
KnitXcore's post about the bread, and seriously, I was on a mission after that! Without any messing around, Here's the result:

"A" and I turned out 2 loaves. The white one was...phenomanal,(and almost gone) The dark one was made with Teff flour, and it was like a rock, but had an interesting flavor. After some more google strokin', I found out that Teff flour should only be substituted in a ration of 25% of the total flour amount, so that's where we hosed that one. but the recipe was correct, Even a 6 year old can bake bread as good as sullivan's bakery in Hells kitchen, NYC. For any more info, Check out
Robbie's blog, he had an awesome post all about it, including the recipie and a video of the owner of the bakery making a few loaves. I'm a regular lurker there. As a final thought, There are 2 more loaves rising in the cupboard for tomorrow night! one with white all purpose flour. The other, 75% organic whole wheat/25% organic teff flour....(I don't give up easily)
Off the needles (yes, I said off) The Noro 1x1 scarf is done, but somebody obsconded with it already so pics will have to wait. A pair of knucks for B finally got knocked off, so without further words:

Tahki "Shannon" is a really fun yarn, and I scored a few balls at my lys a few weeks back with the intent on making a scarf for her, but she was right, it made great knucks. this was my 4th pair, and they are fun to knit, I just hate closing up the holes between the fingers. It's just a pain. I even got busy with the dyes yesterday with some reynolds "Candide" that I scored from my friend Mary's stash reduction sale last week. It's 100% virgin wool 2 ply that is a cream strand, tan strand plied together (I could have just said rag wool I suppose) and it took dye really well. These pics don't do it justice so I'll take some more in the day light if we ever get any around here before june.

The ball on the right, 197 yards, prochem dyes in 3 c0lors and one from country classic. The ball on the left was a half drunk, way-too-late-to start this experiment but what the hell.......I took the left over country classic mahogany (which I added too much yellow too, and it ended up looking exactly like the pro chem mocha brown I was using, ) and added it to a pot of simmering water, and tossed a 1/3 skein (I had made up for heels and toes) right in in the twisted skein form! I simmered about 2 minutes and cut the heat off, and continued to swish it around in the pot for another half hour while I had a few more drinks (a few) and by 2 am I had one beautiful rusty orange skein with dark yellow hints. the best part, was no tangles when I wound it. The party didn't stop there though....(no, it didn't) I left it in the pot until the next morning, hung it next to the de humidifier in the basement, and this evening, I've got my new boot sock yarn! that was an adventure for sure. Sundays are for fuzzy heads, late breakfasts, and long showers, The latter 2 were much more enjoyable I assure you. I finally got my Ravelry invite saturday, and signed up as Mattomite so don't leave me friendless!
have a good week, and watch out for old man winter, he gave us some flurries here tonight.